Calvin Riley gets a pin at PL meet.

Wiley Johnson gets a pin at the PL meet.

Flash Sale starts Thursday! 48-hour flash sale starting 11/5 at 12:00 A.M. EST through 11/6 at 11:59 P.M. EST. This promotion is good for 20% off EVERYTHING, no minimum purchase required. http://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/kansas/hoyt/royal-valley-high-school

Mental Health Matters shirts are ready for pick-up at the RVHS office!

Check out this video about how to register for the ACT, having a MyACT account, superscoring, what you need when you register, online testing, section retakes, preparing for the test, and why take the ACT.

#RVTalks Mental Health Matters is just one week away!

All RV schools will do grab and go breakfast for late start tomorrow. Remember--it is free!
Pop Tart, Fruit, Milk - MS
Granola Bar, Fruit, Milk - ES/HS

8th won over Perry-Lecompton 24-10

7th grade at PL wins 11-8

RVHS Blood Drive is Thursday, Nov. 5. Students who have signed up and are able to get to the high school on their own can still donate. There are plenty of open appointments between noon and 1:00.

Congratulations to Michelle Ensley for winning Staff Member of the Month at RVES for October! She has gone above and beyond her duties, and we are blessed to have her in our school!

Catholic Charities Resource Bus will be in Jackson County tomorrow, November 3rd. Open to everyone! Click on link for more details https://5il.co/mob3

RV items are on sale today! Shop now for Christmas presents!

If your RVES child sold trash bags, please pick them up today in front of RVES between 5 pm and 7 pm

Kids are encouraged to wear a costume to tomorrow night's football game at RVHS football field and then join the band at halftime for a Halloween parade.

RVMS Parents: Sign up now at this link to attend Chris in the Classroom on November 4-- https://5il.co/mlkk

The KSHSAA will be livestreaming the state cross country meets at all three locations. Races can be viewed live at https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/kshsaa

Check out our New Remote Learning Center Website. See all the great ways RV teachers are engaging students in learning and academics.

Former RV SRO John Calvert spoke to our 4th grade classes today about making positive choices and not doing drugs. #oneRV #itsagreatdaytobeaPanther

JV Football game tonight vs Silver Lake at RVHS has been canceled due to weather