1st & Highland Hoyt, KS 66440
Phone: (785) 986-6286
Fax: (785) 986-6333
Quick Links
Prairie Band Potawatomi
(Emergency Safety Interventions)
1st & Highland Hoyt, KS 66440
Phone: (785) 986-6286
Fax: (785) 986-6333
Dear Parents,
Thank you for your interest in the Royal Valley Community Learning Center Childcare. We are a licensed school-age child care program through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment with a dedicated classroom located at Royal Valley Elementary School. Children attending Royal Valley that are in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade are eligible to enroll in the program.
The enrollment forms below must be filled out before your child will be considered for enrollment in the RVCLC program. Please note that the Authorization for Emergency Medical Care does not need to be notarized. You may include a copy of your child's immunizations or note “on file at school” on that section. All forms will be kept confidential.
Our full list of policies and procedures can be found at: https://www.rv337.com/page/clc
Please let me know if you have any questions, I can be reached by email at rvclc@rv337.org
or by calling the office at 785-986-6286.
Stefani Preston
RVCLC Childcare Director